Enhance Performance with Sports Recovery Acupuncture


How Acupuncture Can Help with Achilles Tendonitis

When it comes to Achilles tendonitis, acupuncture offers a range of options that tap into your body's own healing capabilities, which can be hard to replicate with other treatments. Here's how we at Acupuncture Athlete can support your recovery:

Alleviate Pain

One of our primary goals is to help ease the pain that comes with Achilles tendonitis. Our acupuncture sessions are designed to encourage your body to release its natural painkillers, like endorphins, so you can find relief without relying on pharmaceuticals. This means you can keep up with your rehab and training, and stay on track with your running goals.

Did you know that studies have shown acupuncture, particularly a type that uses a gentle electric current, can significantly help with Achilles tendonitis? It's quite impressive how this treatment, by carefully placing tiny needles in general areas of discomfort, can prompt your body to begin healing itself, easing pain and reducing inflammation. Think of it as a gentle push to help your body activate its own repair mechanisms.

And speaking of healing, acupuncture doesn't just dull the pain; it goes deeper, targeting the root of the discomfort. Clinical trials have found that patients who receive acupuncture treatments report not just short-term relief, but lasting improvement. It's all about enhancing circulation, getting that oxygen-rich blood flowing right where it needs to go. So remember, acupuncture is like your body's personal maintenance, tuning up to keep you moving smoothly and without pain.

Enhance Circulation: Boosting Blood Flow

Improved circulation is crucial for healing. Our treatments are aimed at increasing blood flow to your Achilles tendon, helping to speed up your recovery by clearing out toxins and delivering essential nutrients to the area. It's all about getting you back on your feet and ready to hit the ground running.

I've got some intriguing insights to share about acupuncture and its role in healing Achilles tendonitis. Did you know that electroacupuncture has been observed to significantly reduce pain and tenderness, and even improve functionality in people with this condition? It's pretty amazing how it encourages your body to ramp up the healing process, enhancing circulation right where you need it.

It turns out, improving blood flow isn't just a theory. Research, including a study from PMC, has shown that acupuncture can indeed help heal connective-tissue injuries by boosting blood supply to the affected areas. That's crucial when you're dealing with Achilles tendonitis, as increased circulation helps clear out those pesky toxins and brings in the nutrients your tendon craves for a speedy recovery.

Relax Muscles: Easing Tension with Dry Needling

Those tight calf muscles can really put a strain on your Achilles tendon. We use dry needling and other techniques to help ease that tension and improve your flexibility. It's like giving your muscles a much-needed break so they can support you better on your runs.

Visualize your calf muscles, the gastrocnemius and soleus, as the essential support pillars for your Achilles tendon. When they're tense and tight, they're not providing the right balance of support needed, causing your Achilles to bear more pressure than is necessary. Dry needling steps in to address this issue by encouraging those calf muscles to unwind and stop pulling on the Achilles. By alleviating the tightness in your calves, we help distribute the load more evenly, allowing your legs to move with more freedom and less discomfort. No more feeling like you're battling against yourself – with your calf muscles eased, you pave the way for the Achilles to recover.

But the benefits of dry needling extend beyond just temporary relief; it's a proactive step towards lasting wellness. By targeting and breaking up adhesions within the muscle fibers, dry needling works to restore the natural communication pathways in your muscles. This restoration is crucial for them to perform their role effectively—supporting your active lifestyle without the hindrance of persistent pain. As you continue your journey, whether on the track or the trails, remember that dry needling is more than just a remedy; it's a tool to keep your muscles resilient and ready for the long run.

Diminish Inflammation: Releasing Anti-Inflammatory Agents

Inflammation is a telltale sign of Achilles tendonitis. Our acupuncture treatments work to release your body's own anti-inflammatory agents, which can help reduce swelling and promote recovery. This gentle easing of inflammation paves the way for your long term healing to occur that can only occur after the inflammation subsides.

Acupuncture gets down to the biochemical level. By stimulating specific points, your body begins to secrete natural anti-inflammatory chemicals, such as cytokines, which act like internal warriors that calm the fires of inflammation. Research has shown that electroacupuncture can activate nerve pathways that suppress inflammation, leading to a reduction in cytokine storm and the release of other anti-inflammatory agents like dopamine from the adrenal glands. So while you're kicking back and thinking of your next run, your body's busy getting the healing process in full swing, all thanks to a few strategic needle points. (source)

Postural Considerations: Addressing Root Causes

We take a holistic view at Acupuncture Athlete, which means we also look at postural factors that might contribute to your Achilles tendonitis. By helping you correct imbalances and encouraging a more natural alignment, we're not just aiding in your recovery; we're also helping to prevent future issues.

There are a few postures that people sometimes have, called forward lean, anterior pelvic tilt, and pes planus, that may be messing with your Achilles. When you have a forward lean and anterior pelvic tilt, it's like your calves and Achilles are constantly on a steep uphill climb, straining with each step. Acupuncture comes to the rescue by helping to realign your posture and redistribute the load, taking the uphill battle out of the equation. Research backs this up, showing that interventions, including acupuncture, can significantly reduce anterior pelvic tilt, which in turn, might just give your Achilles that break it's been looking for (source).

And then there's pes planus, or flat feet as it's commonly known, which can throw a wrench in the works for your Achilles. Imagine your foot's arch as a shock absorber; if it's not there, the shock has to go somewhere, right? That's where acupuncture comes into play, offering a natural way to strengthen and invigorate those foot muscles, potentially helping to lift that arch and reduce the strain on your Achilles. Moreover, addressing hip alignment and muscle function can further influence the condition of pes planus, contributing to a more stable and functional lower extremity. It's all about getting to the root of the problem and not just sticking a Band-Aid on it. By lengthening short, overactive muscles and waking up those long, lazy ones, we're helping your body to help itself, the way nature intended.

Increased Dorsiflexion: Enhancing Range of Motion

An increased range of motion, especially dorsiflexion, is key for effective physical therapy exercises. Through acupuncture, we can target specific muscles to help improve your movement and support your overall healing process. It's about giving your body the best conditions to heal and strengthen.

Emerging research, including studies featured in PubMed and the Journal of Physical Therapy Science, underscores the significance of dorsiflexion range of motion for the recovery and prevention of Achilles tendonitis. Acupuncture, particularly with the application of electrical stimulation (Estim), has been shown to significantly enhance this movement by targeting the calf and shin muscles. The targeted approach of acupuncture to these muscle groups results in a reduction of tension across the Achilles tendon, fostering a more balanced distribution of forces during movement and enabling a smoother transition back to peak athletic performance. This integrative treatment strategy is crucial for executing therapeutic exercises with greater efficacy, setting the stage for a robust and resilient return to activity.

Take the Next Step

Ready to take control of your recovery and enhance your performance with acupuncture? We're here to support you every step of the way. Take the next step by reaching out:

Michael Cohen